Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 30: Luke Cage Season 2 Recap and Review!

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Harlem's Hero returns to Netflix with Luke Cage Season 2! With just as many twist and turns as Season 1, Season 2 manages to outdo the series as a whole, with a new charismatic villain, deep story arcs and unpredictable outcomes galore. Luke, Claire, Mariah and Shades return with way more to do and streets of Harlem are as hot as ever. Join GT Rebirth and The Don as they talk character progression, NY as a backdrop, and try to answer the question..."Is Vengeance ever justified?". 

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Major Issues Ep 29: Justice League Vol. 1 (New 52) Review!

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#RELEASETHESNYDERCUT has taken the world by storm, as more and more DC fans beg Warner Bros. to release Zach Snyder's version of the 2017 Jusice League film. With that being said Justice League was set to be an adaptation of their new 52 comic book origin writen by Geoff Johns with art by the legendary Jim Lee. Origins is a by the numbers origin book but does it serve as a proper jumping off point for the League? Or is cramming 70 years of history into 6 issues impossible? Stay tuned to find out! 

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Major Issues Ep 28: Batman City of Owls/ Mr. Freeze's Origin!

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We are BACK. The COURT is BACK! TALON IS BACK and we hope you are too, as the guys at CBC review the second volume in Batman's new 52 continuity City of Owls. Secret societies, owl symbolism, and deadly hitmen are at every turn but can Batman turn the tide against the Court?They also get into the retcon that is New 52 Mr. Freeze!

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Major Issues Ep 27: Justice League - No Justice Comic Review!

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The Source Wall is Broken! The Omega Titans are here! Brainiac needs the Justce League's help and Starro is back?! With Dark Nights Metal the guys at CBC decide to tackle the next mini event DC had to offer and that was Justice League: No Justice. With new threats on the horizon and new books on the docket can Scott Snyder really change the game....again?

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Major Issues Ep 26: Which Was Worse I Green Lantern Vs X-Men Origins Wolverine

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Ever since Deadpool hit theaters there have been non-stop jokes about both Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine movies. Both films were met with low box office draws and tons of criticism but when the dust settles, which is the worst film? Fortunately The Don and Dan The Comic chose to settle that matter once and for all by choosing to do battle in the first 'Which Was Worse' debate in Major Issues History. Comparing stuff like plot holes, character development, and action scenes, the two promise to get to the bottom of the Which Is Worse debate once and for all!Make sure you leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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