Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 25: Deadpool 2 Review!

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Grab your Crocs and load your glocks, Deadpool 2 is here! Thanos is back with metal arm, we have cameos galore, and mutants on the run! Join the guys as they review the best Candian based superhero film ever made as they review all the hijinx of a film too good to be true! Download

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Major Issues Ep 24: Dive into Deadpool!

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With his sequel out in mere hours the guys at CBC decided to put on their brown pants and take a deep dive into the character that has taken the world by storm. We talk his history, his comic book debut, and do a mini review of his 2016 film guessed it...Deadpool! Bring the Katanas and chimichangas, its gonna be fiesta!

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Major Issues Ep 23: Trailer Talk! Teen Titans, Deadpool & More!

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With the war over, the guys at CBC review some trailers in hopes of getting excited for all the new comic book media, set to be released this year. Hear them do deep dives into the Venom, Luke Cage, Deadpool 2, Teen Titans Go To The Movies trailers looking for hidden details and maybe even some clues? Thanos may be gone but 2018 has us by the neck!

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Major Issues Ep 22: Avengers Infinity War Therapy Session

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It is the film everyone is talking about! Breaking records, hearts and minds all over the world, Avengers: Infinity War took no prisoners. Who survived? Who is left? What do we do now?! All those answers and more on this episode of Major Issues as The Don hosts this jam-packed therapy session! We are here for you..... and YOU ARE WORTHY!

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Major Issues Ep 21: The Superman Character & Action Comics #1000!

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80 years in the making, the guys of ComicBook Clique wax poetically about The Man of Steel, The Last Son of Krypton, Everyone's Favorite Boyscout, Superman! GT Rebirth makes his debut as we discuss what the character means to us, our favorite incarnations of the hero, and take a deep dive into the stories of Action Comics #1000. There are 10 stories total making this our BIGGEST EPISODE YET!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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