Post match, Waller and Theory jump Jey Uso but Jey gets the upper hand on both. Jey hits a splash on Waller and quickly gets choked out by an out of nowhere GUNTHER
Logan Paul comes out and gets into an argument with comedian Andrew Schulz.
Paul is gonna beat down Schulz for saying nobody came to see Logan Paul. But AJ Styles runs out and makes the save.
Styles attacks Logan and ends the segment with a Phenomenal Forearm.
It's looking like AJ vs Logan Paul at WrestleMania 👀👀
Who is this mysterious Luchadore that attacked Rey Mysterio and cost him his match against the New Day?!?!
Cody Rhodes cut a fairly paint by numbers promo about John Cena not being at Madison Square Garden tonight.
"At WrestleMania, 17 does not happen. But what does happen is that I get the heartbreaking privilege of beating my hero in his last ever main event. John Cena, I'M THE CAPTAIN NOW!
- Cody Rhodes
Raquel defeats Bayley.
Raquel Rodriguez is now the number one contender for the WWE Women's IC Championship.
Chad Gable having an interview with Cathy Kelly who's begging him to tell the truth about being the Luchadore who attacked Rey Mysterio.
When suddenly that Luchadore appears behind Chad Gable, in cuffs being taken out of the building
Iyo Sky and Bianca Belair are having a face off when Rhea Ripley comes out accusing Bianca of costing her the World Championship on purpose.
They're both extremely dismissive of Iyo, even shoving her away. Iyo slaps them both across the face and leaves.
After about 100 GTS and Curbstomps, Roman Reigns suddenly appears and yanks Rollins out of the cage, technically giving him the win.
Roman proceeds to beat the living hell out of Rollins. Curbstomp onto the outside and then shoving Rollins head on the steel steps so he can bite the curb and get AMERICAN HISTORY X'd live on NETFLIX!!!!!
Security runs out and stops Roman but he looks in the ring and see Heyman tending to CM Punk? Roman enters the ring and beats down Punk to end the show.