Can you believe we are over the halfway mark for this series already? This week’s episode had heart, laughs and tears. Let’s get into Loki Episode 4: The Nexus Event!
My Cosmic Mistake
If you read my prediction last week, you’d know I missed the mark by a country mile when I suggested that perhaps Sylvie had “enchanted” Loki early on in Episode 3, making most of the events of the episode an illusion. I made this theory on the basis that I felt that there wasn’t much to that episode as a whole, so it had to be a device to further the plot. I can admit to being wrong, and to be honest, my feelings about episode 3 remain the same. I felt they could have simultaneously kept up with the “A” plot while sprinkling some Mobius and the TVA in the background. The lack of antagonists in the previous episode made me think Sylvie was up to no good and I apologize.
This show truly has us doubting our prejudices when it comes to labeling all Lokis as irredeemable. Since first meeting Sylvie, I was waiting for her to betray our Loki, but as the series continues it seems less likely. Guys, I think I made a cosmic mistake in labeling Sylvie as a villain. It looks like her only crime was being born and deemed a “Cosmic Mistake". Watching her go through the standard VA protocol Loki did but as a scared child, was truly heart-wrenching.
After some more soul searching, I have realized that the Loki series is saying something extremely important about labels and how we choose to identify ourselves. The Lokis are judged, and deemed unworthy of existence but who gets to make that call? Who gets to rip away redemption from the hands of gods? Who gets to decide who is vital or not? We even deal with this in our real world, as people try to label and separate us based on race, creed, sexuality, and more. This leads me to my next takeaway…
Love is Love
Last week the internet exploded after it was revealed that our very own Loki Laufeyson is genderfluid. Although it was something most fans of the comics (or Norse mythology) already knew, it was a celebratory moment for those who felt they never had representation in one of the biggest entertainment franchises of all time. Just when we thought they couldn’t surprise us more, it seems that our Loki is in love with Sylvie. This development is one Morbius scoffs at going so far as to say:
Two Variants of the same being, especially you, forming this kind of sick, twisted romantic relationship. That's pure chaos. That could break reality!
This had me thinking about the revelation from last week and the reaction it got from some of the MCU fans who were outraged to hear Loki was part of the LGBT community. It reminded me of how anything other than heterosexuality was deemed as sick and twisted for a very long time. Between the genderfluidity reveal, Loki’s being judged for who he loves, and Sylvie’s insistence to be on being referred to as Sylvie, not Loki, I am convinced that this series is showing its audience to disregard labels and embrace the chaos and unpredictability of love.
There was a lot of talk about whether Loki deserves love or not. We saw a version of Sif (a lovely surprise) in a hellish time loop nightmare remind The God of Mischief that he is destined to be alone, and some of us may feel the same but that isn’t true. We are all worthy of love and redemption. We pick our path and that’s what the show is trying to say. It’s a bold statement but let’s see if they can find a way to put an exclamation point on it as the show progresses. Don’t let anyone stop you from loving who you love, or being who you wanna be, regardless of the Sacred TImeline.
The Price of Knowledge
I was just talking about how we needed more Mobius in this series and what does the show do? It kills him off! Now, I don’t believe that this is truly the fate of veteran actor Owen Wilson, but his “pruning” scene definitely left me speechless. Let’s dissect the events.
Mobius hears from his boss and admitted friend Ravonna Renslayer that the Timekeepers are not pleased that he let Loki go and they need both Lokis in custody ASAP. When they do happen to apprehend the Lokis, Mobius is barred from talking to Sylvie and our Loki warns him the TVA is lying to him. He tells Mobius that everyone who works for the TVA are Variants, plucked from the timeline. They have had their memories erased, and only remember what the TVA has told them. That’s why they think they were created by the TVA themselves. It’s all a cosmic joke.
He shrugs this off as another trick from a trickster and traps Loki in a time loop. After a vague conversation about the grim fate of Hunter C-20 with his boss, the doubtful Mobius steal Ravonnas TempPad and discovers something sinister. He sees that C-20 was perfectly lucid, not insane as Renslayer suggested. Even worse, Renslayer is shown in the footage, as C-20 declares that she remembers living another life Realizing Loki is telling the truth, he goes to save him and gives him an INCREDIBLE pep talk about possibly changing his ways. As they go through the Time Door, they are confronted by Renslayer and TVA Hunters, and when Mobius realizes he is caught red-handed, he starts to smart-talk Ravonna about being a variant. This act of defiance cost him his life as Renslayer orders his “pruning” and Mobius
I wonder if Loki blames himself for Mobius’ death. Had he not told the TVA employee that his company might be lying to him, maybe Mobius doesn’t go on the rabbit hole that leads to his death. Maybe that was the price he paid for his knowledge of the Variants. Then again, Renslayer did say that she was going to bring him to the Time Keepers and knowing what we know now there is no way that would have ended well. Here’s hoping our favorite jet-skiing time-hopping hero returns before the show is over.
Behind The Curtain
Ravonna leads the Lokis to the Time Keepers, but did not expect that Hunter B-15 would defect after learning of her life as a variant. She distracts Renslayer and gives Sylvie her weapon and we are suddenly in a high-paced fight scene. Once all the TVA agents are neutralized, Sylvie tosses her blade and cuts off the head of one of the Time Keepers and that’s when we realize that the Keepers themselves are robots. There are no Time Keepers, but someone DID create the TVA to police the timeline for some nefarious purpose. There are two suspects in my book who could be pulling levers behind the curtain.
The first is Kang The Conqueror. He is the front runner in everyone's predictions given his affinity for time travel shenanigans. He has a history with Renslayer in the comics and is already confirmed to be in Ant Man and The Wasp. Everything adds up. If he’s revealed to be behind this whole thing I will be very pleased but I have another tin-foil hat theory!
The head writer for the Loki series is Michael Waldron, who has also written for the sci-fi animated comedy ‘Rick & Morty’. It is said that Rick & Morty gave Waldron some inspiration for some plots in Loki, so how far-fetched would it be that it’s a LOKI who is running the TVA? This could be a “Rickest Rick” situation where our Loki has to prove he is the greatest version of himself by taking down the worst. Again, Kang is much more likely but if Loki is the villain and the hero of this story, someone owes me a soda.
Oh My GOD(S)!
Was I the only one thinking that maybe Sylvie would replace Loki in his own series? I started to wonder if maybe we had been tricked into believing it was Loki's story when this was actually Sylvie's tale (something she actually says when we first meet her) I was getting myself mentally prepared for a completely different show but then we got THAT POST CREDIT SCENE. Our pruned Loki awakens in an unknown wasteland of debris and collapsed buildings and is seemingly alive or as alive as he can be.
He is approached by a quartet of Loki Variants and BOY what a sight that was! We got Boastful Loki with what looks like his own version of the enchanted hammer Mjolnir. We see a Kid Loki, which was a comic book favorite, holding what can either be an alligator or crocodile Loki (Croki?) each with their own version of Loki's crown. Lastly, we have an MCU tradition as veteran thespian Richard E. Grant plays classic Loki complete with ill-fitting spandex and ridiculous horns. For years the MCU has found a way of paying homage to classic comic book costumes while also poking fun at the impracticality of it all.
Costumes aside, all these Lokis being together in one place has some interesting implications. Is this where all the "pruned" Lokis go? Do they know how to escape? DOES THE CROCODILE TALK?! This is probably where our "President Loki" makes his cameo as he joins our rag-tag bunch of Lokis on their mission to get revenge against the TVA? Someone tell me!!!!!!
There are only 2 episodes left! I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for everyone! Join us next week as we recap Episode 5! Remember you are worthy!