Comic Book Clique

A "Low-Key" Loki Recap / Episode 2 : The Variant

George SerranoComment

What is up everyone? Let’s break down the best parts of the second episode of the Loki series on Disney Plus!

The Puppet Master


One of the first things we are shown in this episode is how formidable this “Loki Variant” truly is. We had already overheard that the Variant was causing chaos to the ‘Sacred Timeline’ by taking out TVA agents in an impressive fashion, but we did not know how. In “The Variant” we are given a clue as to what makes this Loki more than just dangerous. It seems as if this Loki is a master of enchantment, and can use their powers to possess living beings, controlling their every movements. They have been puppeteering the demise of the TVA for quite some time and has been using other people’s bodies to do it. The careless nature this Loki displays as it discards the human bodies after they serve their purpose prove we are dealing with a new class of villain.

We also hear that the Variant, in a stroke of genius, has been hiding in plain sight in the sacred timeline but doing so by placing themselves in timelines ended by apocalyptic events. Why does the Variant already know how to outsmart the TVA? What is their end goal? Are characters truly as black and white as they are depicted in the show? Hopefully we find out more next week!

There’s Something Up With The TVA


I don’t consider myself a very smart man, but something iffy is going on behind the scenes at the Time Variance Authority. When Loki tries to look up the creation of the Authority in question, he is told that that information is “Classified” as well as all information having to do with the dawn of, and end of, “time”. I understand that keeping this kind of sensitive information OUT of the hands of people like Loki, who are known for their duplicity is the name of the game, but what do they stand to gain by keeping Mobius in the dark?

To elaborate, Mobius who seems to be a trusted veteran agent of the TVA, only seems to know half of what is going on. All information in the TVA is on a ‘need to know basis’, and his boss Ms. Renslayer makes sure her answers are as vague as possible. Again this could just be a clandestine organization that puts the security of the timeline above all else but what if its more than that?

I think the TVA only cares about the timeline that results in the creation and existence of the TVA. Someone is pulling the strings at a higher level and is making sure the rest of the team knows as little as possible. This could make the Variant Loki and our Loki the heroes in all this, as their chaotic actions take down the shady group. Isn’t it weird that no one has seen the Time Keepers? Who gets to pick and choose what anomalies take place? I need answers y’all.

Time for a Buddy


I’ve been a fan of Own Wilson for as long as I can remember. He has great comedic timing and works well in comedic pairs. Even knowing all of this, I had no idea how much joy the interactions between Mobius and Loki make me. I guess it’s because in most instances Loki gets his way or manages to find a way to escape, but in his current situation, he is powerless. Having that knowledge, Mobius is constantly busting the chops of The God of Mischief.

From the Pompeii scene of Loki giving a terrifying speech to a doomed audience, to Mobius confronting Laufeyson on the number of people he’s stabbed in the back (over 50), these two are the combination I never knew I wanted. I forgot to mention this last week but Hiddleston and Wilson having a blast playing off one another. I get a sense of confidence from both actors that is refreshing and highly entertaining. They are my new MCU Odd Couple!

Ragnarok and Roll


I guess it’s time to confess that my favorite Thor film is Thor: Ragnarok. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the absurd humor and garish colors make the film a standout in my eyes. It was the first time in the MCU that I thought Thor felt like a fully fleshed out character, with motivations that exceed his hammer, his brother, or his lineage. The story told was one of epic proportions and ultimately led to the destruction of Asgard as we know it.

Loki name dropping the event piqued my interest. I could see a world in which we return to those events, even for a second, and play around with the ideas of finality and fate. The show itself is rumored to have a bunch of cameos, something we hear when every new MCU Disney+ property, but one of the most rumored ones is that we might see Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk in the Loki series possibly during the events of Ragnarok. I am totally down, so long as we get a glimpse of the fate of the Grandmaster. I miss that guy.

Tickin’ Time Bomb


Um WHAT?! The Variant is Lady Loki! In the comics, Lady Loki appeared after Asgard was destroyed by Ragnarok. The gods were reborn and Loki had been reborn into a body intended for Lady Sif. To ensure she wouldn’t interfere Loki trapped Sif in the form of an old woman rendering her powerless to stop him. I don’t think this will be our Lady Loki origin. This Loki seems even more hell-bent on destruction as she goes out of her way to reset charges she stole, sending them to various locations in spacetime, thus rupturing the sacred timeline causing it to branch out and create a new host of .variant timelines. What are the implications of this? What is her end goal? She seemed unimpressed at the thought of taking over the TVA, so her sights must be higher.

In a shocking turn of events, we see OUR Loki follow this Variant through a time door to parts unknown. Where will they end up? Is Loki trying to work with or against this Variant? Does Mobius truly believe Loki betrayed him? Will we all be forever forced to call her ‘Lady Loki’? Hopefully I’ll have the answers to those questions and more NEXT WEEK when we tackle episode 3!