From The Desk of The Don #3: I Need To Speak

Discourage, disregarded, and disappointed.

Discourage, disregarded, and disappointed.

I Need To Speak on This

Firstly, I have to start this as honestly as I can. That is what I want this space to be for me, and all my readers. I want this to be a place where we can speak on all matters, so allow me to start. I did not want to write today. My mind is filled with many different emotions. My heart hurts in a way that makes me question when I will feel whole again. Unless you have been living under a rock, another unarmed black male, George Floyd was killed while being apprehended by police. One of the police officers attempting to place him under arrest placed his knee in the neck area of Mr. Floyd and ultimately killed him. The death itself was caught on camera and stood as horrific a reminder that this country does not love us the same way we love it. That may sound a bit harsh, but let me explain.

I am an Army vet with two tours overseas under my belt. I have fought for the freedoms that this beautiful country represents, both in foreign lands and domestically. I was in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Spartan Shield, and Operation Enduring Freedom. While serving I met people of all creeds and colors. I love the people I served with, and I generally love all people! My life has been made exponentially better by having a diverse support system of friends and family. I love my fellow man, and to see that that sentiment might not be the same the other way around is heartbreaking. Growing up Latino, I have been egged on by police to get violent. I have been shoved on hoods of cop cars, and I have been pushed against walls and searched. I have been called names by police officers hoping to entice me to retaliate. The only reason I never have is that I didn’t want to die.

Sam Wilson’s Cap shows how quickly the narrative can change based on your color.

Sam Wilson’s Cap shows how quickly the narrative can change based on your color.

I Am Hurt

Imagine that. Imagine feeling bullied by a protector, and keeping silent only out of fear of never taking a breath again. If you can’t, God bless you, because you have gone through life without the experience most minorities have had to endure. George Floyd did not have to die, just like Mike Brown did not have to die. Sandra Bland did not have to die, just like Ahmaud Aubrey did not have to die. I have seen people make excuses for a lack of basic human decency, and it makes me question what excuse they would give the officer who killed me. Even with my years of service, am I susceptible to the same death? When I am shot, will they say I am resisting? Will my partners in arms shrug and assume I had a rap sheet? Would my fair-skinned neighbors lump me in with the “thugs” depicted on TV? After everything I’ve done in my life, would the world turn on me for my skin color?

Maybe I’m just being pessimistic. Dan The Comic Man says I’m a reformed optimist, but today I'm just not feeling it. As I type this, cities around the United States are burning as a result of civil unrest. The worst part is seeing the true colors of people you may have thought were allies in this fight. I have found that the majority do not want to be bothered with our plight. Some would even go so far as to say there is no plight at all. All of this makes me angry, sad and encased in a feeling of hopelessness. This isn’t an isolated case. This is the norm. This is the standard. Sadly, as talented artist Donald Glover put it; “This Is America”.

I also recently lost a fellow army buddy to suicide. Between Coronavirus, these riots, and now the news of my passing friend, I am exhausted. My fellow soldiers are losing battles outside of war, while my kinfolk are being gunned down and suffocated to death. My nieces and nephews are set to take over this world long after I'm gone, and what world will they inherit? Cliquers, I am in pain, so I apologize for rambling. Please just understand I am hurt. Now let’s get on with the rest of this.

Comic Book Catch-Up

Jordan, like others before him, embraces fear at a time of war.

Jordan, like others before him, embraces fear at a time of war.

I’ll keep the rest of this short. I am seriously loving the Injustice comics. Each volume deals with one year in that universe and is the perfect set up for the Injustice game. Seeing all the pieces slowly come together makes the events of that first game so much more enjoyable, as you realize all of the actions of the characters are the result of half a decade’s worth of events. Characters like Black Canary and Hal Jordan are completely fleshed out and are given arcs that suit their dynamics. Batman and Superman’s rivalry is placed center-stage and even manages to feel petty at times, as you unravel the pain these two friends have inflicted upon each other. What gets me is the body count in these issues. Probably the best part of telling an Elseworld story is you can do whatever you’d like to the world and its characters, and you don’t have to worry about decades of continuity.

Tom Taylor takes advantage of this and manages to deliver gut-punch after gut-punch, as some of the most popular characters in DC’s lore bite the dust, in sake of the narrative. It's brilliantly written, stylishly drawn, and everyone is portrayed as they should be. One of my favorite arcs has to be Hal Jordan’s. In it, he is constantly second-guessing if what he’s doing is right, while the evil Sinestro works behind his back, hoping to concoct the right situation so that Jordan sees Superman’s way as the only way. Watching Hal face doubts as the Regime grows not only feels right for that character, but that sort of opposition is needed in any power-struggle story. Hal’s turn to the dark side is pretty definite, but here’s hoping he finds a way back to the light side.

Coming Up Next

Superman Superfan Tasmin Humphries has invited me to a Superman Zoom Quiz! Wish me luck!

Superman Superfan Tasmin Humphries has invited me to a Superman Zoom Quiz! Wish me luck!

As far as the Major Issues Podcast is concerned, the next episode will be me and GT Rebirth tackling Iron Man: Extremis. He knows I love him because anything concerning Iron 3 sends me up the wall, but our conversation was still a fun one, as it always is when GT is around. As explained before, we have History of Violence coming up too, as we try to tackle more of the lesser-known comic book adaptations. What I’m most excited about is I have been invited by Superman Superfan Tasmin Humphries to partake in a Superman Quiz Show via Zoom. I get to test my knowledge on the Man of Steel, whilst also meeting a bunch of enthusiastic comic fans from around the globe. If you are unfamiliar with Tasmin, she had a BBC special done about her Superman Collection and goes by The Aspiring Kryptonian on Facebook. Check her out!

I’m also hoping to start designing merchandise again. As you know, I am the primary designer for our Teepublic store. Since the pandemic, I have been less and less motivated to produce art, and that needs to be fixed. I have some ideas for some Stargirl merchandise, and we can get all sorts of creative with the masks that Teepublic is selling at the moment. At first, I felt a bit cheap for designing masks, thinking that I would be viewed as an opportunist, looking to make a quick buck off the ill. Since then I have realized that all I am trying to do is normalize using a face mask by making people WANT to wear them because they have cool designs! If I can do that, then we can truly make a difference. Also, do you guys want to do a watch party soon? I might have something in the works…

Et Cetera

I love you all. This is the part where I say anything else that is on my mind, but I am SPENT. Please try to spread love and hope through your communities. Please protect those that cannot protect themselves. Lastly, please remember we are all brothers and sisters on this blue marble we call Earth. Treat each other with kindness, sincerity, and open-mindedness. Let’s be like the heroes we admire in comics. I think Stan “The Man” Lee said it best


Till next week True Believers. Stay safe and…

Remember…You (yes you) Are Worthy

George SerranoComment