Comic Book Clique

From The Desk of The Don: With a Little Help From My Friends

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No man is an island. That is the phrase I used when I asked people for volunteers to help run this site. This is also a phrase I had to learn the hard way. I tried several times to place all of the responsibilities of this company on my shoulders, believing I was the only one who could. In my mind, the only way CBC could work is if I had my hands in everything, but I have since learned that is impossible. Thankfully, I have a strong team around me that helps alleviate the pressure I place on myself.

Every time I am down in the dumps over something I can't control, my team reminds me how lucky I am to have such a rewarding outlet for our thoughts. Every time envy tires to rear its ugly head in the form of me wishing we had numbers like other successful podcasts, my team will remind me how far we've come, and what wacky conversations we were only able to have because of Comic Book Clique. Those things continue to make me happy and help me press on when everything else seems to be falling apart. Long story short, no man is an island.

I get by with a little help from all my friends at CBC, the team behind the Major Issues Podcast, and various members of friends and family that have supported me over the years. I thought I could have, but I truly couldn't have done it without you.

Back at the Academy


Next Friday is the release of the anxiously anticipated Umbrella Academy Season 2! While I won't be doing a rewatch to prepare, I can't help but let memorable moments from the series play out in my mind. The first thing that comes to mind is the full sibling dance-off to "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany. Watching these miserable siblings first mourn the patriarch of the family before locking themselves in their little worlds, is a sad reminder that we sometimes choose to fight our battles alone, even though we are often facing similar ones. To make matters more bittersweet, once big brother Luther plays the record and it can be heard throughout the Hargreeves Mansion, each member of the UA dances impromptu of any permission. That tells me that at that moment they all could have used an impromptu dance party to relieve the tension from their father's funeral.

Instead of seeking solace and support in one another, they become self-sustaining, and that self-preservation is what makes it so hard for them to come together as a family at first. As the season progresses, they get closer to the team we know and love, but then that catastrophic cliff hanger ending left us wanting more. Evidence points to at LEAST one more dance party (as pictured above), and maybe just maybe, they can finally find time to dance in the sun...together.

Comic Book Catch-Up

Did you know that there is a list of the greatest single-issue comic stories of all time? I couldn't decide what I wanted to read this week, so I decided to check out a classic that was on that list. Superman Annual #11, written by Alan Moore with art by Dave Gibbons (the duo behind Watchmen), is one of the greatest single issue stories of all time and is required reading for any Superman fan. The tale, titled “For The Man Who Has Everything”, sees Batman, Wonder Woman, and the new Robin (Jason Todd), visit Superman aka Clark Kent in the Fortress of Solitude. This is no normal visit, however, because these super friends are there to celebrate Clark's Birthday. Unbeknownst to them, they aren't the only people there wishing the Man of Steel a Happy Birthday.

The alien tyrant Mongul has managed to infiltrate the Fortress, and subdued Superman using an alien plant called "The Black Mercy". The plant is symbiotic in nature, and latches on to its host, leeching the lifeforce from them. To do this, the Black Mercy implants positive thoughts onto its host, so the host is discouraged from resisting the plants' magic. For Superman, that meant picturing a world where Krypton never exploded, a world where Kal-El continues to live with his family, and now has a wife and child. This delusion is so powerful, it renders Superman useless, until he can break its spell. Once he does, I have rarely seen Superman so upset. The idea that his deepest desires were used against him was enough to cause him to tear Mongul apart, and it was a sight to see. If you have never read “For The Man Who Has Everything”, I highly recommend it.

Coming Up Next

I am super stoked about the topic of the Major Issues Podcast this week. It is no secret I am a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but if you twisted my arm and asked me what I thought was the most unique film in the franchise, I'd have to go with Guardians of The Galaxy. I was blown away by the James Gunn directed space epic the moment we got a peek at Star-Lord, breakdancing his way across the galaxy. The film has heart, humor, and heroics and made me a huge fan of characters like Drax, Gamora, Groot and Rocket Racoon. People forget Guardians was the first Marvel film to not take place on Earth, although the blue marble does make an appearance in flashbacks. That means this film launched an entirely new series of stories for characters like Ronan, the Nova Corp, and the Mad Titan Thanos himself.

Keeping us grounded is the incredibly charismatic Chris Pratt in his first leading role, although you couldn't tell. The ease in which this man can go from comedic to traumatic is a testament to how he's managed to grow as an actor, and its fun to see. Looking back at the film with fresh eyes is sure to bring a new level of appreciation for Gunn, Kevin Feige, and the Russian nesting doll that is the MCU. What makes it even better is I am set to be joined by Peter Melnick of The Marvelists podcast, who is a huge Star-Lord fan and even does a great cosplay of Peter Quill. Check out this awesome mix of an episode when it drops this Wednesday!

Et Cetera

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For the first time since writing this blog, I have an apology to issue. Last week I was not in the right frame of mind, and everything just seemed to make me more pessimistic. If you watched the news recently, it seems like any truth you believe in is officially up for debate. With the pandemic still present, the country seems to be prioritizing profit over people, by forcing children to go back to dangerous disease-ridden environments. In times like these, I often feel as if I don't know which way is the right one. Second-guessing myself is one of the most detrimental things I can do, because all of a sudden everything that defines me is placed under a microscope. Too often do I pick myself apart, and discourage myself from seeking the happiness I truly need. I thought about deleting last week's blog because of how depressed I was about my product, but I knew that wouldn't be fair.

When I started this, the one thing I knew I was always going to be was honest, because I wished for the entire world to become more honest. The old saying goes, "Be the change you wish to see in the world", so my rant from last week stays. Being human is one of the most unique experiences you can have on this Earth, and I won't apologize for it. My friends are the ones who showed me the error of my ways. They are always there for me, encourage and support my path in life. And I do love my life, even with all of its imperfections. It is these imperfections that we should be grateful for, because without perception, how can we tell the difference between the mountain and the molehill? So, I will not remove what I said, but I will apologize. I'm sorry for allowing some of the dark thoughts that permeate my mind to infect this space I've created for us. I promise to always be vulnerable and truthful, but I will also work hard at being more optimistic and less discouraging. I truly thank anyone who has taken even a second to read this blog, because it has become incredibly therapeutic for me. I love you all because you are imperfect. I hope you love me for the same reasons. See ya next week…and Remember…

You, Yes You
Are Worthy!