Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 89: RIP Marvel Netflix (2015 - 2019)

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We are here today to mourn the shows we have lost in the battle of Disney +. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, The Punisher and Defenders gave as a glimpse at a gritty, street level superhero universe, and had us at the edge of our seats with innovative fight scenes, brilliant acting and enigmatic villains. Join us as we pay our respects to Marvel Netflix and leave Marvel’s NYC for the last time.

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Major Issues Ep 88: Which Was Worse IV - Ghost Rider 2 (2012) Vs Fant4stic (2015)

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It’s time, once again to for the host vs host show down that we like to Call WHICH WAS WORSE where we debate the merits of two bad films and try to decide what the lesser film was. On this, the 4th iteration of Which Was Worse, we pit Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance against Fant4stic in a battle to decide which is the WORSE Non-MCU film (post Spider-Man)! Join us as emotions get high, tempers flare, and we get down in dirty, in a battle that will go down in infamy!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience, and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 87: Mister Miracle By Tom King (2018) Recap and Review!

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Scott Free has escaped a lot of things in his life, like the firepits of Apokolips and multiple near death experiences facing off to defend New Genesis. This time Eisner Award Winning Writer Tom King puts Scott aka Mister Miracle in a situation he can’t just escape from, and makes him face the trauma that shaped him head on. Mister Miracle, as a story is a brilliant exploration into the psyche of war, fatherhood and heroics in the face of insurmountable odds. Mister Miracle as a person is all of us, trying to navigate our memories and emotions and come out the other end unscathed. Listen now for our uncensored thoughts on this modern day classic.

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience, and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 86: Batman: Hush (2019) Recap & Review!

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When one of Batman’s most famous stories gets an animated adaptation, you KNOW Major Issues is on the case! Based on the Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee story of the same name written in 2003, Batman Hush takes Bruce Wayne back to his detective roots, and does its best to honor the source material while offering fresh surprises for those who follow the comics.

There is still the Catwoman /Batman action the story is famous for, with some added twists and turns along the way. In the film, Batman’s enemies are acting stranger than usual, and a mysterious bandaged puppet-master seems to be at the center of the chaos. Featuring cameos from the greatest rogue gallery in comic book history, a love affair between masked vigilantes, and some painful blasts from the past, can the World’s Greatest Detective solve this increasingly personal puzzle and find love?

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience, and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 85: San Diego Comic Con 2019!

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San Diego Comic Con 2019 is in the books and we can’t be more excited for what’s to come in the future! In this episode of the Major Issues Podcast we discuss ALL the news that came out of Comic Con’s 50th anniversary convention, including trailers, comic book news  and OF COURSE we talk Marvel’s Phase 4 slate of media! Arrowverse is in a Crisis, Black Label is about to get Jokerized and what does Love & Thunder mean anyway? Listen in and find out!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience, and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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