What happens when you mix the best and brightest superheroes in DC’s pantheon with the very real ramifications of dealing trauma and mental health? You get Tom King’s 9 issue limited series entitled Heroes in Crisis. King, a former CIA agent in his own right is no stranger to subjects like PTSD, but how does his brand of storytelling gel with the rest of the DC Universe?
Follow along as we talk about Sanctuary, a safe haven for all heroes dealing with trauma. When multiple heroes turn up dead, it’s up to the Justice League to find the culprit in a story that tries to show us a different side of our favorite caped characters. Did King’s message come through? What does HIC say about mental health? We talk all that and more in our review of Heroes in Crisis!
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If you find yourself having suicidal thoughts feel free to Call 1-800-273-8255 or visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/