Major Issues Ep 56: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) Recap and Review!

It’s the first show of the 2019 reviewing one of the last comic book movies of 2018. (Trust us; we left this one for last for a reason!) On this episode of Major Issues, the guys of Comic Book Clique discuss Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. With the recent increase in Spider-Man’s popularity between the PS4 game, his inclusion in Infinity War and the Spider-geddon comic arc, you would think most, if not all of us, would be sick of the web shooting, wall crawling superhero by now!

I mean how many times can one hear about the spider bite that turned mild mannered Peter Parker into the amazing Spider-man we know and love? How can you redefine a timeless story for a new audience and better yet a new demographic? Spider-Verse does it and does it seamlessly. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, this gem of a film will have you gasping, laughing, crying and cheering and that’s in the first half hour. Wanna hear more? Check out this SUPER SPOILER filled review and discussion of all things “Into the Spider-Verse"!

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