Tony Schiavone On CM Punk's Comments: I Really Don't Give A Sh*t, Let's Move On

Speaking on the What Happened When podcast, co-host Conrad Thompson brought up Punk's comments and mentioned that he wanted to give Schiavone the chance to comment:

“Did he have a couple of stories about me? Jungle Boy, right? [Thompson notes that Punk brought Schiavone up but not in a negative way.]

You know what? I really don’t give a shit about it. I’m not gonna get into this. I know what he said, and let him continue to talk if he wants. That’s all I got. Look, okay, I don’t give a shit. That’s all I can say.

I can’t get into that. It would be stupid for me to get into that. I had no idea what he said, with the exception of someone told me, ‘Oh, he brought up your name, and here’s what he said.’ I went, ‘So what?’ So fucking what? [Thompson says Punk was not critical of him]

I know. That’s why I’m saying, ‘So what?’ If he was critical of me, people would say, ‘Oh, Schiavone on his podcast [wanted to] defend himself.’ I have nothing to defend. Let’s move on,"