Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 162: Daredevil : The Director's Cut(2003) Recap & Review!

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The year is 2003. You just got finished beating GTA: Vice City and can't wait to download the new Linkin Park new album on Limewire. You just put on your freshest velour tracksuit, and are ready to finally see Daredevil in his live-action debut. You finally see the film and are floored with how good it was...or wasnt? In this episode of the Major Issues Podcast we take off those deliciously deceptive rose-colored glasses and revisit Daredevil from 2003 in celebration of Elektra's 40 year s in comics! Does the film hold up? Who is the stand out? Is the director's cut better? All those questions are more will be answered in this jam packed episode! Check it out...we DARE you! 

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Major Issues Ep 161: The Best and Worst of 2020!

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2020 is in the books, and what a uniquely bleak year it was. From film delays to deaths, quarantines and riots it was a year like no other. Join the guys at Comic Book Clique as they sift through the year that was 2020 and look for a some nuggets of good within the bad. With all of the feature films, televisions shows, comics and news to come out of 2020, will the good outweigh the bad? Or was 2020 more fortuitous then we gave it credit for?

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Major Issues Ep 160: Hawkeye by Matt Fraction Pt 2 (#12-22 + Annual 1)

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Ready. Aim. FIRE! We are BACK to finish up our review of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye, tackling issues 12-22 (& Annual #1) and boy does it get good! Not only are we treated to some surprisingly inspiring “brotherly love” when Clint’s brother Barney comes into town, but when Kate finally has enough of Clint. She sets her sights on LA and tries to conquer the City of Angel by herself! In a tale that only Fraction can tell, we are filled to the brim with laughter, sympathy, and overall admiration for the team of Kate and Clint, who continue to surprise us with their touching mentor/mentee relationship. Join us as we talk all this and more in this FINALE of all things Matt Faction’s Hawkeye!

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Major Issues Ep 159: Hawkeye by Matt Fraction Pt 1(#1-11)

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With 2021 as untouched as fresh snow, it is important for all of us to keep our eye on the target when it comes to setting goals for the new year. Even when doing so we have to remember we are only human. Those two sentiments also describe Clint Barton as written in the critically claimed Hawkeye series written by Matt Fraction w/ art by David Aja. In the first of this TWO PART PODCAST we go over the first 11 issues of the series, discuss the relationship between Kate Bishop and Clint, and fall in love with a dog who likes pizza. Join us for an episode that is sure to change the way you view the Avenging Archer forever! 

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Major Issues Ep 158: Wonder Woman 1984 (WW184) Recap and Review!

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2020 might go down as one of the most divisive years in recent memory, so how fitting is it that the final comic book major motion picture of 2020 would split the CBM audience! Wonder Woman 1984 is a quiet departure from its 2017 predecessor, but is that a good thing? Join us as we discuss the highs and lows of what was probably the most anticipated sequel of 2020, while discussing its themes, villains, and the news of a greenlight sequel. The Lasso of Truth will compel us to give our rawest thoughts on the film, so sit back, grab your Dreamstone and check out this in-depth WW84 review! 

 leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by, the home for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.
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