Comic Book Clique


Major Issues Ep 354: Venom: The Last Dance Recap and Review!

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It's that time spooky time of the year and we’re diving fangs-first into the swan song that is Venom: The Last Dance! Join us as we break down the final tale that sees Eddie Brock face off against some intense inner demons (and outer ones, too). We’re talking symbiote drama, Knull, insane battles, and give our thoughts about the franchise as a whole. If you’re into anti-heroes, cosmic chaos, or just can’t get enough of the wild side of Marvel, tune in – it’s going to be a blast!

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Major Issues Ep 158: Wonder Woman 1984 (WW184) Recap and Review!

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2020 might go down as one of the most divisive years in recent memory, so how fitting is it that the final comic book major motion picture of 2020 would split the CBM audience! Wonder Woman 1984 is a quiet departure from its 2017 predecessor, but is that a good thing? Join us as we discuss the highs and lows of what was probably the most anticipated sequel of 2020, while discussing its themes, villains, and the news of a greenlight sequel. The Lasso of Truth will compel us to give our rawest thoughts on the film, so sit back, grab your Dreamstone and check out this in-depth WW84 review! 

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Major Issues Ep 154: Doomsday Clock Review!

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Three years ago DC Comics embarked on an incredibly ambitious task that would see them cross over their main universe with a host of Watchmen characters. A story that was meant to span 1 year, ended up suffering from editorial issues and production woes, but after the dust it any good? As time marches on in the DC Universe we revisit Doomsday Clock, discuss its themes, and try to guess what writer Geoff Johns was really trying to say. Nothing ever ends but join us as we close THIS chapter in WATCHMEN history!

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