Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 118: Justice League: Amazo Virus (#35-#39) Review!

ComicBook CliqueComment

COVID19 has the world in an uproar, with many being quarantined all over the globe. This virus is like nothing we have ever encountered in THIS WORLD but in the world of DC Comics, the Justice League faced a similar threat before! It was called the Amazo Virus and it incapacitated almost all of Metropolis! Join us as we review this New 52 storyline that takes place in Justice League #35-#39. Can Lex Luthor ever be trusted? Is the HazBat suit a good name?  Will the heroes survive? Find out in this extra-infectious episode!

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Major Issues Ep 117: GLOW/ GLOW Vs The Babyface Review!

George SerranoComment

GLOW (or Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling) was a women's professional wrestling promotion that began in 1986 and took a group of models, actresses and soap stars and turned them into larger than life personalities! Netflix has already turned the inspirational story into a television drama that was so well-received that now we have GLOW COMIC BOOKS! Join us as we discuss the GLOW series and the comics that its modeled after GLOW (1-4), The GLOW Summer Special, and GLOW Vs The Babyface co-created by Aimee Garcia and former WWE divas Champ AJ Mendez (AJ Lee!) We discuss the all-girls creative team, the do's and don't of wrestling and get ourselves psyched for Season 4!

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Major Issues Ep 116: Superman: Red Son (2020) Review!

George SerranoComment

In the far distant past of 2003, comic book author Mark Millar penned a three-issue prestige format comic book mini-series that dared the to ask "What if Superman didn't land in the great ol' US of A?". Suddenly we had Superman: Red Son, an Elseworlds story that deals with the ramifications of a Soviet Superman, a Government-sponsored Lex Luthor and a Bat-terrorist hell-bent on setting the system back with his explosive methods. The story itself is great, and was adapted into animation for the DC Universe app. Join us as we discuss the similarities, differences, high and lows of the Superman: Red Son animated film! 

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Major Issues 115: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Review!

George SerranoComment

What do you get when you cross a vampire, a colonist, an invisible man, a shape-shifting monster and a pirate? Why you get the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! The comic written co-created in the late 90's by the prolific Alan Moore centered around some of literature's greatest figures as they band together to stop one of histories greatest villains in a plot to take over the world. The 2003 adaptation, which has the strange distinction of being Sean Connery's last film, has some of those moments, and add a bunch of new ones, but does it hold up to the original? Check out this episode to find out!

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Major Issues 114: The Alcoholic By Jonathan Ames (Vertigo Comics)

George Serrano1 Comment

Can you remember the first time you had a drink? How it made you feel? What it made you do? Some look back fondly at how alcohol fueled their younger years but The Alcoholic by Jonathan Ames is no such story. Follow narrator Jonathan A. (no relation) as he takes you through a a collection of memories that has led him to the self-loathing, binge-drinking present where the series starts. This story is not for the weak at heart and deals with sexuality, trauma, death, drugs and more in this true-to-life tale of what happens when you don't tend to old wounds. For anyone seeking help for their own alcohol addiction please call : 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit

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