Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 54: Aquaman (2018) Recap and Review!

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It’s the bottom of the 9th, with bases loaded. DC Comics and Warner Bros are down 5-0 in 2018 with no live action films since Justice League (Nov 2017). The mysterious Aquaman is at bat and the whole world watches in a hushed silence, wondering if director James Wan’s epic tale of royalty and destiny can get DC on the board, and ultimately turn the tide for the studio as a whole.

But…did Aquaman change how fans feel about the DCEU? Is Jason Momoa the whiskey drinking, trident wielding, hero we never knew we needed? Where does one wash their clothes in an underwater city? Some of the questions (and MORE) will be answered on this week’s spoiler filled episode, where we take a deep dive into 2018's Aquaman!

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Major Issues Ep 53: Avengers Endgame Trailer/ CW Elseworlds Crossover

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It's the trailer everyone has been waiting for! The aftermath of The Decimation has left our MCU heroes in a bit of slump as they try to live in a world Post-Snappening. With minimal footage and even less visible plot threads to pull, see what we think of the Avengers: Endgame trailer and put on your tinfoil hat as we speculate wildly! Plus...

Red skies, alternate realities and devilish doppelgangers means we got another Crisis on our hands as CW gives us another epic crossover event with Elseworlds! Starting on The Flash and continuing through Arrow and Supergirl, Elseworlds is a hefty helping of fan service with a metric ton of comic book Easter Eggs and nods at DCs past. All this plus the debut of Gotham city and its resident vigilante Batwoman! Twist, turns, and ominous warnings are on the menu in this feast that just keeps on giving!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Annual #1

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Happy Birthday Major Issues! It’s been one full year since we started this podcast but unfortunately we couldn’t get everyone together for the anniversary. Luckily, The Don has found a mysterious Infinity Gauntlet and hopes to use it to reach out to the farthest places in the universe and talk all thing 2018 in comics and comic book media! From TV to film, from one-shots to miniseries, no stone is left un-turned in this celebration! Trust us there is nothing like a Major Issues Annual...Thank you for the memories! Now let's take over the world!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 52: V for Vendetta (2005) Recap & Review

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Remember, remember....the fifth of November. The Gunpowder treason and plot. 
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder treason should ever be forgot! These are the first lines spoken in 2005's V for Vendetta based on the book of the same name written by prolific comic book writer Alan Moore. V for Vendetta is a thrill ride of vigilantism, with twists, turns, poetry and violence. Does it hold up almost 15 years later? Does the central plot reflect modern politics? What is the difference between the book and the film? All these questions and more are answered in this week's V for Vendetta Review!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 51: Stan Lee Tribute

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Hello TRUE BELIEVERS! While it has been a sad couple of days for Marvel fans everywhere, we here at ComicBook Clique thought we would sit down and talk about the true visionary that was Stanley "Stan Lee" Lieber. There truly wouldn't be a Major Issues podcast without the contributions of Stan and his collaborations with many talented artists and writers over the years. Spider-Man, The X-Men, Fantastic name it and Stan had a hand in it. Pull up a chair as we dissect a truly awe-inspiring legacy that can never and will never be duplicated. Excelsior!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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