Comic Book Clique


Ep 109: Crisis on Infinite Earths (Arrowverse) Recap and Review

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Episode 109

CW'S most ambitious crossover has finally ended after 5 heart-stopping episodes! Taking it's story from the iconic Crisis on Infinite Earths comic, the "Arrowverse" surely had some big shoes to fill, in trying to adapt the classic tale. Face to face with the extinction-level event, the Monitor gathers Green Arrow, the Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, and several "Paragons" from throughout the multiverse to stop the Anti-Monitor from destroying all of reality. Did our heroes manage to save the multiverse from an untimely end, or did the might of the Anti-Matter Wave wipe out existence as we know it? That plus cameos, easter eggs and laughs in what can affectionately be called the biggest love-letter to DC Media ever created!

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Major Issues Ep 1: Infinity War Trailer & Crisis on Earth X Recap

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Episode 1.jpg

It is the VERY FIRST EPISODE of the Major Issues Podcast! Join the guys from ComicBook Clique as they talk the new Avengers trailer, and do a deep dive into the CW 4-night crossover Crisis on Earth X!

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by ComicBook Clique, the one stop for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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