Major Issues Ep 76: Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol.1: Baby Thanos Must Die (2018)

When an alternate universe Frank Castle was on Death’s door after a battle with Thanos, he had one wish.... “I would give ANYTHING to PUNISH that purple Son of a B*%$#”. That was all the demonic Mephisto needed to hear to make a deal with Frank and make him the Ghost Rider aka the Spirit of Vengeance. Since then it has been quite a long journey for Castle, as he became the herald of Galactus, was embued with the power cosmic, and became the Black Right Hand of The Mad King.

Fast forward to his defeat by the hands of the Silver Surfer, and you have the beginning of Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol. 1 Baby Thanos Must Die. This 5 issue miniseries written by Donny Cates with art by Dylan Burnett is beautifully insane in its concepts and tragically amusing with its premise as a time traveling Frank Castle tries to murder Baby Thanos before he can’t grow up to be the Mad Titan and worse, The Mad King.

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