Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 137: Guardians of The Galaxy (2014) Recap & Review (W/ Peter Melnick!)

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In 2014, a film was released that changed the way we think of comic book movies, raccoons, and cassette players. That film was James Gunn's Guardians Of The Galaxy and with it's release came an awesome amount of heart, humor, and heroics from a team most knew nothing about! Over half a decade later Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket, Drax, and Gamora are household names sharing screen time with Iron Man and the Mad Titan Thanos himself. Join the Don as he's joined by Peter Melnick, self-professed Star-Lord Superfan and cohost of The Marvelists podcast. Peter has some great insights, manages to compare the franchise to another space fairing juggernaut, and had a grand ol' time recounting this beloved film from memory!

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