Major Issues Ep 111: Batman: White Knight by Sean Murphy Review


The war between Batman and The Joker has always had Gotham trapped in its wake, with the GCPD usually standing by helpless. Written and Drawn by Sean Murphy and released under the DC Black Label imprint, Batman White Knight turns everything we know about Batman and Joker’s relationship on its head in a story that by asking us,  is Batman really what’s best for Gotham or Can the Joker ever really be redeemed?  Most stories involve Joker trying his best to break The Bat, and The Dark Knight doing his best not to execute the crazed clown killer, but this one takes a more modern approach.  Join us in a story complete with twists and turns, that provide a sharp social commentary on vigilantism but also an in-depth look at a semi-sane Joker aka Jack Napier.

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