Comic Book Clique

Major Issues Ep 133: Agent Carter Complete Series Review!

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It is 4th of July weekend 2020, so we thought instead of tackling traditional patriotic heroes in the comic book lexicon, we would take a look at what is quite possibly the most patriotic hero ever. The “Sentinel of Liberty” himself, Captain America is known for his stars and stripes but as important as “The Man Behind The Shield” is, we are here to talk about “The Woman Behind The Man Behind The Shield”. That's right, for this episode of the Major Issues Podcast we will be discussing the entire series of Agent Carter, a show starring Hayley Atwell as longtime Captain America love interest Peggy Carter.

Travel back to the 1940’s after World War II, as we see how Miss Carter deals with the disappearance of Steve Rogers while trying to climb the ranks of the SSR. With cameos by Howard Stark, The Howling Commandos, and Edwin Jarvis himself this show is a must-watch for the completionist comic book tv fan. Join us as we celebrate one of Marvel’s first independent female characters and discuss her journey from page to screen.

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Major Issues Ep 132: Road To Death Metal (Snyder's JL Part II)

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Perpetua is knocking on the door, and with her comes DOOM! In the next episode leading to DC's Death Metal we review issues #19-39 of Justice League written by Scott Snyder. We pick up where we left off, with our heroes doing their best to turn the world towards Justice as the nefarious Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom hot on their trail. Journey with us to the 6th Dimension, The 1940s, and one million years into the future as the Justice League traverses time and space. in hopes of stopping "Apex Lex" and his muse Perpetua once and for all! 

If you can, please leave us a review on ITunes so we can grow our audience and grow as podcasters! Rate us where ever podcasts are found. Don't forget to check out our merchandise! All episodes of Major Issues are brought to you by, the home for the latest and greatest things to come to comic books and comic book media.

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Major Issues Ep 131: Road To Death Metal (Snyder's JL Part I)

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We never knew when starting this podcast that we would be the shepherds, leading new comic readers through some of the biggest DC Crossovers since Rebirth started, but here we are! We tackled Dark Nights Metal. We demolished No Justice and Flash War. Now to get ready for Death Metal, we are embarking on a journey to discuss what Scott Snyder is doing with The Justice League. Snyder, who wrote Metal and will write Death Metal placed his Justice League run right in the middle of these massive events on purpose. We get to see the Justice League dealing with the effects of No Justice and Metal and literally cause the events of Death Metal. Join us in this TWO PART epic recap of Snyder's JL with Part I covering Issues 1-19! 

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Major Issues Ep 130: A History of Violence (Film and Book) Review!

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Picture it. You're a small town man, living his small town life. You have a beautiful wife, a growing son, and precocious little daughter. You've come to love your little community, and own a soda shop right in the middle of it. You play baseball with neighbors, know the sheriff on a first name basis, and spend most of your time serving members of your hamlet. Then, all of a sudden, dangerous men come into town. INTO YOUR TOWN. They think you're some guy named Joey who did some very bad things in the past, and they are here to get even. What would you do?

That is the plot of A History of Violence, a graphic novel written by John Wagner with Art by Vince Locke. The book was so successful it even had a motion picture adaptation directed by David Cronenberg and starring Viggo Mortensen! Which medium told a better story? Which did the hosts prefer? Let's find out!

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Major Issues Ep 129: Iron Man: Extremis/Iron Man 3

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Although it was a financial success, many saw Iron Man 3 as the weakest of the Tony Stark trilogy. In the search of how the mighty had fallen, we came across the original source material for the film. Written by Warren Ellis and published between 2005 and 2006 Iron Man: Extremis is the modern take on the Tony Stark mythos, and manages to give us just enough backstory to care about the future of the Armored Avenger. It also introduces Extremis, which is a big plot point in the film. So what are the big differences? How does the film stray from its source material? Which is the better story? All this and more will be explored in this arc-reactor powered episode of the Major Issues Podcast!

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